2015年10月29日 星期四

Yummy Yucky (English version)

Title: Yummy YUCKY

Author: Leslie Patricelli

Selected reasons: hardcover, fewer words, lovely pictures, simple and easy to understand contents

Introduction: A baby who likes to taste everything by mouth.

Thoughts: We got more than I expected after reading it with my son. My son was not very interested in it when we just started reading it. After understood the meaning of ‘Boogers”, he laughed without stop and was eagerly in reading it. He taught grandparents to pronounce Yummy and Yucky  that evening. The baby mentioned in that book is called as SILLY BABY  by us after that.

Reading Tips:

Reading word by word is not the only way you can do. Try the following techniques if you like:

1. Strengthening the ability to identify letters: Seek for child’s help. Check the new word by dictionary in mobile phone Apps together. Let him read aloud the letters (spelling the word) while you were typing it. (The pronunciation would be given by Apps, both in English and Chinese later on.)

2. Strengthening fun: Tell them you will show a magic to them after reading both left and right sides. Simply just cover the letters  “wiches” in word “sandwiches” , only “sand” is shown and “sand” will appear in both sides. They will be pleased if you invite him to play immediate!

3. Strengthening observation: Let child to indicate the same letters and different letters appeared in both side, for example: burgers and boogers, soup and soap.

4. Enhance Interaction: have a role play. Child acts as teacher to teach his elderly family members (we are Chinese) to pronounce the words (such as “yummy” and “yucky”). That also can increase interaction and relationship with the elderly. (Parents can enjoy a break at that moment.)

Small games:
1. Find out the real materials mentioned in the book, help to strengthen the sentence structure as: XXX is / are yummy.  XXX is / are yucky.

2. Practice the sentence structures by food and toys at home, for example, Child can pretend to taste their favorite dinosaur. 
Lifting his happiness index, interest in learning can also increase simultaneously.

Another sentence structures can be involved at the same time: This is ... / these are ... / that is.... / those are.... (For example: This is Soup. That is Soap...)

(Sorry for my limitation of English )

中文版: http://alfredbooks.blogspot.hk/2015/10/yummy-yucky-english-book.html

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